Wednesday, 31 March 2010

3 Tips to Flawless Glamour

Today I would like to talk about womens shoes and in particular Jimmy Choo. As a rough guesstimate  20% of womens shoes I deal with on a day to day basis are Choo.

Jimmy Choo is one of the foremost womens shoe designers. Releasing around 80 different styles a season using a multitude of accessories they can be incredibly difficult to keep in shape. Try jewels, satin, patent, exotic, suede, canvas, denim, feathers oh not forgetting good old fashioned leather! Phew!

At present they have a very interesting range of jewelled peep toes. The good news first, when it comes to actually keeping the jewels shining, you need very little – hell you could even use a bottle of Windowlene! Now the bad news, lose on of those semi precious stones and you are left with a very unglamorous shoe. There are 2 ways to remedy such a problem by far the best way to ensure flawless glamour is prevention;

Keep your treasured shoes in shoe boxes.

Do not drive in them.

Try, try not to run or dance in them.

If, after all this you still damaged them, try to keep the jewel and if you lose it, return them to the shop or……hire Goodall’s!

Happy glamour!


Tuesday, 30 March 2010


On a small hidden shelf at your nearest supermarket or cobbler harbours a visious covert battle, between shoe wax, polish, liquid and cream. This war of attrition has been ongoing now for many years amongst the shoe care firms. Each side has it’s soldiers and devotees who claim unswerving loyalty and would stop at nothing to promote their cause. Many shoe care companies, (Dasco or Woly) in an attempt to hedge their bets produce the entire range of applications.

The irony of it all is that all these different applications with their slightly variable properties just cloud the subject and makes it off putting for the occasional shoe cleaner. For example a hungry leather like an untreated aniline leather is probably better off with a nourishing cream whereas a corrected grain is better of with a polish, many consumers don’t even know what sort of leather their shoes are, let alone which application to use on them. The emphasis is often placed on the retailer to help the customer decide, but many of them just want to promote their own range rather than offer genuine unbiased advice. Where does this leave the consumer? With bloody dirty shoes, thats where!

The Definitive Shoe Care

I personally have spent a lot of time trying to refine and define the task to make it easier for the casual shoe cleaner to do without resorting to the dreaded silicone shine sponge, whatsmore I am confident I have done it. It is worth pointing out, it is not an exact science and my refined materials and technique, (which I will go into at a later date) is not designed for the pro more for someone who wants their shoes cleaned, hygienic and shiney to a certain level.

No doubt I will receive a few broadsides from devotees from all sides of the war, but really my alligience is with you ladies and gentle folk to enable you to live the way you all want. (Salutes!)


*End of transmission*

Monday, 29 March 2010

Me and you getting all 'touchie feelie'

You have to feel the love in this blog, it's emotional, I want you to know me - I mean really know me! So, I feel it is about time I gave a business overview, a brief rundown of businesses and projects I have currently running. In fact there are so many on the boil it is hard to keep up with, thank god for Rachel my PA! Still it is that multi-layered work that keeps me motivated and more importantly inspired.

Sunshine Shoeshine
For those of you who are not lucky enough to enjoy our weekly services, we supply in house corporate shoeshine to busy professionals at the workplace. This suffered considerably during the recent down turn, companies terminating our services with little or no warning – try 60% of our turnover in 6 weeks for size!!! However, we are slowly gaining momentum again and I now get them to sign rolling 12 month contracts – result!

An app for an iPhone (of which I am an owner)  where you can shine your shoes. This one I don’t anticipate to make much money, but it is fun. I subscribe to the Richard Branson view on this one – ‘If it is fun-do it!’

Bespoke shoecare for the high and ultra high networth households who really care about their appearance. Aimed squarely and unashamdely at the super-premium end of the market. Our work is the result of years of hard research to refine the ‘worlds finest shoecare’ this is all done at our clients residence on an ongoing monthly basis.

As, if these weren’t enough there are a couple of other highly sensitive projects – in other words secret – that I will dish the dirt on at a later date when things have progressed somewhat.

There you have it, I hope you feel you understand me even more now  -  come here and give us a big hug you softie!


Sunday, 28 March 2010

The Perfect Shoeshine: A Mystery Uncovered

Should I be making this blog?

It is a question I am asking myself, after all could you all just not copy this yourselves and cut out the middle man?  After much consideration I have resolved - yes. So here for you delectation/copying? is the essential shoeshine must haves for any budding/veteran shoe cleaner;

1. Heavy cleaning cloth, flannel type. (preferably absorbant)

2. Water, if your feeling adventurous mineral water, in an atomiser for easy dispensing.

3. Small applicator brush, horse hair

4. 2 large horse hair removal brushes

5. Shoe Polish. After much consideration/testing over polishes, waxes or liquids, polish comes up     trumps. More on that in tomorrows blog.

6. Ladies tights, as higher lycra content as possible.

7. Cotton cloth. Must be 100%

8. Chamois.

You will find all these items are available at your nearest available cobblers and you will be looking at parting with no more than $80/£60/70 Euro these will last you a considerable time.


I have kept several advanced materials out of the equation. For the sake of secrecy, availability and ease, but above all my forth coming book. Of course now you have this hit list in your hands you can make a darn good stab at getting the right materials and I will in future blogs be addressing the use of them.

Good luck


Saturday, 27 March 2010

DANGER: Your shoes are killing you

                                           Shoes to die for

With todays plethora of uncomfortable styles and constructions, the words 'shoes to die for' can never have been more appropriate. Even men's shoes that are traditionally aimed more at comfort than style are becoming increasingly hard on our long suffering feet. Then there's womens shoes - well the less said about them the better.

                 Walking to the kitchen has never been so tricky!

In my years working with my clients, I have from time to time found it invaluable to consult a podiatrist/chiropodist to help them fully utilise their shoe collection. It is an all too familiar tale of clients on big evenings out trying to weigh up whether it's possible to wear those killer heels and still be able to walk 3 steps to the taxi at the end of the night. Now I know it might not be very rock and roll and sometimes you have to suffer for your art, but there are some very simple steps we can all do that enables us to wear those fabulous Alexander Wang's and still be able to stand up right the next day.

It is worth pointing out that I am not a chiropodist or podiatrist, (chiropodist - UK, podiatrist - worldwide)

                                                 Top 10 Insider Tips

  1. Don't ignore foot pain—it's not normal. If the pain persists, see a chiropractor/podiatric physician
  2. Inspect your feet regularly. Pay attention to changes in color and temperature of your feet. Look for thick or discolored nails (a sign of developing fungus), and check for cracks or cuts in the skin. Peeling or scaling on the soles of feet could indicate athlete*s foot. Any growth on the foot is not considered normal.
  3. Wash your feet regularly, especially between the toes, and be sure to dry them completely.
  4. Trim toenails straight across, but not too short. Be careful not to cut nails in corners or on the sides; it can lead to ingrown toenails. Persons with diabetes, poor circulation or heart problems should not treat their own feet because they are more prone to infection.
  5. Make sure that your shoes fit properly. Purchase new shoes later in the day when feet tend to be at their largest and replace worn out shoes as soon as possible.
  6. Select and wear the right shoe for the activity that you are engaged in (i.e. running shoes for running).
  7. Alternate shoes—don't wear the same pair of shoes every day.
  8. Avoid walking barefooted—your feet will be more prone to injury and infection. At the beach or when wearing sandals always use sunblock on your feet as the rest of your body.
  9. Be cautious when using home remedies for foot ailments; self-treatment can often turn a minor problem into a major one.
  10. If you are a person with diabetes it is vital that you see a chiropractor/podiatric physician at least once a year for a check-up.
I hope that may have helped you a little and if all else fails take spare pair out with you that are more appropriate for walking in.


Friday, 26 March 2010

Top 10 Reasons for a Shoeshine

As my old Daddie used to say, 'look after your shoes and everything else will follow' well I guess there is some truth in that saying. So, in honour of Old Man Goodall, I have created top 10 reasons why everyone , (men and women) should keep their shoe shined and/or cleaned;

1. It looks great, aesthetically it draws your attention downwards, mimicing Ugg boots etc....

2. You mean business; you expect others to take you seriously, so take yourself seriously.

3. Be the best you can be.

4. Save money. Your shoes or boots will last longer, leather is a porous, material that needs regular attention, despite the fact it is tanned with chrome salts to preserve it, it still needs a little extra help especially in adverse weather.

5. Express yourself. If, your shoeshiner really know what she/he is doing they can develop your patina, colour and shine, bespoke for you.

6. First impressions count. We like to think not, but we do judge on appearance.

7. Personal health. More germs are carried around by your footwear than any other item of everyday clothing.

8. Prevent colour loss and enhance existing colour. Polish carries a mimimal amount of dye 0.1% this assists in bringing back long lost colour.

9. Avoid trenchfoot! A little extreme maybe, but even occasional cleaning will help waterproof.

10. Sex appeal - enough said!

There you have it. Not sure my old man would approve of the sex appeal bit, but I'm my own man now!


Thursday, 25 March 2010

Drew's Shoe Review


I am constantly asked what is the 'best shoe', This question is posed so much that I give serious contemplation to slapping some of my clients.......I might be tempted to if, is wasn't sure some might enjoy it!; )

So, in a rare act of public spiritedness and to prevent mindless violence, I will occasionally publish a review or two over the forth coming month or so. The reason for the intermittent nature is;

1. It will keep you on your toes.

2. It will keep me on my toes.

3. I will only do it when I can think of nothing better to blog!

The main problem with such a review is, it's like asking me 'What is the best music?' after a certain level it is subjective to personal taste, The real problem lies in the word 'best' it is very hard to pin down what 'best' means, so it you have any thoughts otherwise, please feel free to comment. What I will do is dispassionately analyse the defineables such as materials and workmanship.

My first review: J M Williams bootmaker In the meantime anyone asking me qestions will receive a short, sharp, shrift visit from Mr Naughty Stick! Stay tuned.....


Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Basket weaving and the worlds first shoeshine iPhone app

Howdy…. well I am no longer a blogging virgin and I have to say it doesn’t get much easier, sitting here talking about yourself seems to be an alien concept. Your always told to keep your head on the ground, keep your ego in check blah blah it seems to go against everything we are taught. Then there is working out what is worth talking about and what is just…well boring – tricky for a fundamentally drab person like myself!; ) The good news is I have lopped basket weaving, off my ‘To talk about’ list!

Back to the slightly interesting world and the development stages of producing the worlds first Shoeshine iPhone app is going well. As I mentioned it is still in it’s primary stages. I am not doing the actual programming, helping in the development side as well as the promotional side of things. I will keep you posted…..

Did I mention that I saw some awesome raffia work basket weaving at Glastonbury last year….. Somebody call the nurse!


Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Welcome to life, shoecare and business!

Hello there and welcome to the first in my series of blogs on life, shoecare and business...

I am managing director of a bespoke shoe valet company ‘Goodall’s’ based in Knightsbridge, London.

We visit client residences where we cleanse, repair and generally enhance their households shoe wardrobe on an ongoing basis.

Outside of business I am based on a houseboat in Richmond, London, which is not without ongoing difficulties one of which is my girlfriend who can not stand it despite the fact we have every time saving device known to man! I find Richmond a fine base to live, close to Ham Polo ground and only an hour or so from Ipswich the home of my beloved football team – when is this season going to get better Roy?!

Today has been a pretty good day for the business we have tied up a deal with Brioni the luxury Italian clothing brand who will be partnering us, as well as this we have been speaking to Brooks Brothers too, whom are at this stage very keen to work with us :)

But for now let’s leave all that behind there is football to watch and a girlfriend to placate!
